Use "napoleon|napoleons" in a sentence

1. Bonaparte is the story of how Napoleon became Napoleon

2. Napoleon Conquered vast territories

3. He's the Napoleon of crime.

4. Napoleon subdued much of Europe.

5. Bonapartism: [noun] support of the French emperors Napoleon I, Napoleon III, or their dynasty.

6. Counterscarp of a Napoleon era polygonal fort (Fort Napoleon, Ostend).Counterscarps had become vertical by this time

7. Napoleon Bonaparte was also Corsican.

8. Napoleon was banished to Elba.

9. Napoleon Arrayed his troops for battle

10. Do you know who Napoleon was?

11. Then Napoleon IH, a nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, became first President, and then ( in 1852 ) Emperor.

12. 2 Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.

13. So saying, she pointed out to the spinster two napoleons which were glittering on the table.

14. Napoleon lost about 38,000 killed and wounded.

15. Bonapartism definition: a political system resembling the rules of the Bonapartes , esp Napoleon I and Napoleon Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

16. Napoleon signed his abdication on June

17. He portrayed Napoleon in the play.

18. "Battle AI in Napoleon: Total War".

19. My boss is a little Napoleon.

20. Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.

21. Bonapartism derives, after all, from the family name of the two French emperors, Napoleon I and Napoleon III

22. Napoleon threatened to starve the country into submission.

23. Napoleon III authorized Haussmann to rebuild Paris.

24. 28 Napoleon arrayed his troops for battle.

25. Thereafter Napoleon was Blindly staggering to his fall

26. Bonapartist, French Bonapartiste, any of the 19th-century supporters of Napoleon I and Napoleon III and of their political theories and policies.

27. Napoleon made heavy use of agents, especially regarding Russia.

28. In the war, Napoleon III was captured and deposed.

29. Exactly!Caesar had his legions, Napoleon had his armies

30. 2 Napoleon threatened to starve the country into submission.

31. Disney aaru edinburgh Aburban napoleon yang abbotnullius abdominohysterectomy

32. Napoleon showed no reaction to his mens' adulation.

33. Napoleon Kaufman will start Sunday, but by default.

34. Napoleon was sent into exile on an island.

35. The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.

36. Sensing trouble, Napoleon ordered his own heavy Guard cavalry forward.

37. Improved Coppering is a military technology in Napoleon: Total War.

38. In Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is Crowned Napoleon I, the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years

39. With Bonapartism specifically referring to the case of Napoleon I of France, the term neo-Bonapartism first came to use with the rise of Louis Napoleon III.

40. 1836: First putsch by Louis Napoleon, aged 28, fails.

41. Napoleon ended lawlessness and disorder in post-Revolutionary France.

42. He is under the delusion that he is Napoleon.

43. Beethoven at first dedicated his Heroes Symphony to Napoleon.

44. SCHOOLCRAFT Napoleon, himself a sceptic, was Cognizant of this slave philosophy

45. Upgrade Your Grilling Game™ with Napoleon Grills this Bbq Season

46. As Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defence.

47. After the fall of Napoleon, Joseph styled himself Comte de Survilliers.

48. • Napoleon Kaufman, making his third Consecutive start, certainly wants to …

49. Bonaparte definition, king of Westphalia 1807 (brother of Napoleon I)

50. Instead of confronting the enemy directly, Napoleon simply outflanked them.

51. 1805 – Napoleon Bonaparte invades Austria during the War of the Third Coalition.

52. At the sight of Napoleon, the young Frenchman cliched his heels together.

53. Europe hasn't been this interesting since Napoleon marched to Moscow.

54. Napoleon stood astride the early 19th century like a giant.

55. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century

56. So this is a story of Napoleon ill in the mid- 1800s.

57. So this is a story of Napoleon III in the mid-1800s.

58. And now the Napoleon of hip-hop is taking on Ralph Lauren.

59. We had occasion some months ago to strengthen our resources and borrowed for that purpose 30, 000 napoleons from the Bank of France.

60. Bonaparte definition: Jérôme ( ʒerom ), brother of Napoleon I

61. If Napoleon had lived 20 centuries ealier, he would doubtless have been apotheosized.

62. Autosuggestion, as outlined by Napoleon Hill, is one very effective way

63. Napoleon defeated the Russians in 18 but irreparably weakened his army.

64. They include lines of French haltingly translated by Napoleon into English.

65. In 1814, the Allies drove out Napoleon and ended French rule.

66. Action is the real measure of intelligence. Napoleon Hill 

67. Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor in Paris, by Pope Pius V.Sentencedict

68. Napoleon Bicorne with Gold Trim - American Cocked Hat - Red White Blue Cockade PalaceGallery

69. Boorishness a reusable software library nippy branch; subsidiary Napoleon trade-off Zaumzeug (n.)

70. It is not known when Napoleon managed to extricate himself from this chaos.

71. Don't wait. The time will never be just right. Napoleon Hill 

72. Bonapartist (plural Bonapartists) One attached to the policy or family of Napoleon Bonaparte

73. Napoleon Bonaparte had a finger in the development of the modern pencil industry.

74. He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat. Napoleon Bonaparte 

75. 14 Napoleon had denounced such ideas as contrary to the spirit of Animalism .

76. Bonapartism differed somewhat under Louis-Napoléon (Napoleon III from Dec

77. Under Napoleon the island was united into a single regional administrative zone.

78. Napoleon divorced his French wife in order to marry an Austrian princess.

79. Napoleon had great prestige in the army, and his men idolized him.

80. After all, Napoleon rests in state under the dome of Les Invalides.